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Social Media and Human Rights

Read more at: Bibliographies


These bibliographies are working documents designed to collect evolving lists of the relevant scholarship for anyone interested in the topic. I am indebted to many for their contents, and I welcome contributions to expand the collections. Thanks!

Read more at: Survey for human rights defenders on social media use

Survey for human rights defenders on social media use

Dear human rights defender, This survey is part of my research project on social media and human rights at the University of Cambridge’s Department of Sociology. The overall aim of the project is to understand how social media is affecting the potential to hold governments to account on human...

Read more at: Dr McPherson's Office Hours

Dr McPherson's Office Hours

Please click on the relevant date below to book. PhD and MPhil supervisees can reserve up to an hour's slot (4x15mn slots). All other students should reserve one 15mn slot. Please reserve at leasts 24 hours in advance. ***NOTE*** some office hours this term are via Skype due to travel. Please check...

About this website

This is the website for Ella McPherson's work related to her 2014-17 ESRC-funded research project, Social Media, Human Rights NGOs, and the Potential for Governmental Accountability.