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Social Media and Human Rights


As part of the ‘ICTs and Right to Life’ project that we’ve been working on at Cambridge's Centre of Governance and Human Rights, a student team has assembled a multi-authored Tumblr blog aggregating their research into technologies, tactics, and case studies of the use of ICTs in human rights work.

The student team is Grace Carroll (Management Studies), Rebekah Larsen (Judge Business School), Scott Limbrick (POLIS), Anne-Martine Solstad (POLIS), Alex Taylor (Social Anthropology), and Yi Ren Thng (POLIS).

This resource is intended to be a reference point for how ICTs are being incorporated into the prevention of human rights violations as well as into fact-finding and advocacy practices.  The team have categorized the material by hashtag.  Short write-ups include key features and links, while longer authored pieces take a more in-depth look, considering aspects such as ownership, risks and opportunities, as well as the key consideration of pluralism – namely, who is included and who is excluded by use of the technology in question.

This is a live resource, as the student team will continue to update it as they hear of new examples.  They welcome recommendations for inclusion; please message the site via Tumblr.

Visit the site here:







About this website

This is the website for Ella McPherson's work related to her 2014-17 ESRC-funded research project, Social Media, Human Rights NGOs, and the Potential for Governmental Accountability.